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Shadow Cube
22827 Shadow_Cube
A box that contain various kinds of shadow equipment.
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 0
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2023-06-29
Name Chance
1x  Rune Knight Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Royal Guard Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Mechanic Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Genetic Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Archbishop Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Sura Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Guillotine Cross Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Shadow Chaser Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Warlock Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Sorcerer Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Ranger Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Minstrel Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Wanderer Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Rune Knight Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Royal Guard Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Mechanic Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Genetic Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Archbishop Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Sura Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Guillotine Cross Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Shadow Chaser Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Warlock Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Sorcerer Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Ranger Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Minstrel Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Wanderer Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Hasty Shadow Shoes II 0.091%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Pendant II 0.091%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Earring II 0.091%
1x  Spell Flow Shadow Shield II 0.091%
1x  Spiritual Shadow Weapon II 0.091%
1x  Malicious Shadow Armor II 0.091%
1x  Sigrun Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Sigrun Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Force Executioner Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Magic Spirit Executioner Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Caster Shadow Armor II 0.091%
1x  Reload Shadow Armor II 0.091%
1x  Magic Compose Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Weapon II 0.091%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Shield II 0.091%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Armor II 0.091%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Shoes II 0.091%
1x  Almighty Shadow Earring 0.091%
1x  Almighty Shadow Pendant 0.091%
1x  All Races Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  All Races Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Tempest Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Tempest Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Magic Executioner Holy Water Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Magic Corrupted Exorcist Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Magic Vibration Dragon Killer Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Magic Scissor Hunting Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Magic Fishing Insect Net Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Plasterus Shadow Armor II 0.091%
1x  Insomniac Shadow Shoes II 0.091%
1x  Peerless Shadow Armor II 0.091%
1x  Adurate Shadow Shoes II 0.091%
1x  Unfreezing Shadow Weapon II 0.091%
1x  Vitality Shadow Earring II 0.091%
1x  Neutral Shadow Weapon II 0.091%
1x  Uncurse Shadow Pendant II 0.091%
1x  Penetration Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Penetration Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Executioner Holy Water Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Corrupted Exorcist Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Vibration Dragon Killer Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Scissor Hunting Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Fishing Insect Net Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Infinity Shadow Weapon 0.091%
1x  Physical Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Physical Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Physical Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Magical Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Magical Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Magical Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Immune Athena Shadow Shield 0.091%
1x  Hard Champion Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  King Bird's Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Rebellion Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Kagerou Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Oboro Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Rebellion Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Kagerou Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Oboro Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Doram Physical Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Doram Physical Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Doram Magical Shadow Armor 0.091%
1x  Doram Magical Shadow Shoes 0.091%
1x  Knight Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Crusader Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Blacksmith Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Alchemist Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Priest Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Monk Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Assassin Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Rogue Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Wizard Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Sage Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Hunter Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Bard Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Dancer Shadow Shoes 0.365%
1x  Knight Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Crusader Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Blacksmith Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Alchemist Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Priest Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Monk Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Assassin Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Rogue Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Wizard Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Sage Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Hunter Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Bard Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Dancer Shadow Armor 0.365%
1x  Super Novice Shadow Weapon 0.365%
1x  Gunslinger Shadow Weapon 0.365%
1x  Taekwondo Shadow Weapon 0.365%
1x  Ninja Shadow Weapon 0.365%
1x  Doram Magical Shadow Weapon 0.365%
1x  Doram Physical Shadow Weapon 0.365%
1x  Ninja Shadow Shield 0.365%
1x  Taekwon Shadow Shield 0.365%
1x  Doram Physical Shadow Shield 0.365%
1x  Doram Magical Shadow Shield 0.365%
1x  Super Novice Shadow Shield 0.365%
1x  Gunslinger Shadow Shield 0.365%
1x  Promotional Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Promotional Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Promotional Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Promotional Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Promotional Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Promotional Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Physical Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Physical Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Physical Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Magical Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Magical Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Magical Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Breeze Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Champion Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Athena Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Lucky Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Power Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Intelligent Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Dexterous Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Vital Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Athletic Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Lucky Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Power Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Intelligent Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Dexterous Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Vital Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Athletic Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Athena Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Spiritual Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Spiritual Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Spiritual Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Malicious Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Malicious Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Malicious Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Expert Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Expert Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Novice Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Novice Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Rookie's Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Rookie's Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Advanced Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Advanced Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Attack Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Blitz Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Blitz Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Cold Bolt Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Fire Bolt Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Lightning Bolt Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Earth Spike Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Enhanced Force Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Force Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Force Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Force Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Enhanced Soul Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Soul Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Soul Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Soul Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Blitz Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Blitz Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Exceeding Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Titan Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Titan Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Boned Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Boned Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Gigantic Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Gigantic Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Caster Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Caster Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Caster Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Reload Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Reload Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Reload Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Swordman Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Merchant Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Acolyte Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Magician Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Swordman Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Merchant Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Acolyte Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Thief Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Magician Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Archer Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Critical Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Critical Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Blitz Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Blitz Shadow Armor 0.729%
1x  Tension Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Tension Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Tension Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Elegant Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Elegant Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Elegant Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Healing Shadow Shield 0.729%
1x  Healing Shadow Shoes 0.729%
1x  Restore Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Restore Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Mortal Blow Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Mortal Blow Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Mortal Blow Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Sentimental Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Sentimental Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Sentimental Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Enchanting Shadow Weapon 0.729%
1x  Enchanting Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Enchanting Shadow Pendant 0.729%
1x  Thief Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Archer Shadow Earring 0.729%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Armor 0.231%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Shoes 0.231%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Shield 0.231%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Weapon 0.231%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Earring 0.231%
1x  Gemstone Shadow Pendant 0.231%
1x  Infinity Shadow Earring 0.231%
1x  Infinity Shadow Pendant 0.231%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Armor 0.231%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Shoes 0.231%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Shield 0.231%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Weapon 0.231%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Earring 0.231%
1x  Bearer's Shadow Pendant 0.231%
1x  Hasty Shadow Shoes 0.231%
1x  Hasty Shadow Armor 0.231%
1x  Immune Shadow Armor 0.463%
1x  Rapid Shadow Pendant 0.463%
1x  Caster Shadow Pendant 0.463%
1x  Cranial Shadow Shield 0.463%
1x  Safeguard Shadow Shield 0.463%
1x  Bloody Shadow Shoes 0.463%
1x  Liberation Shadow Shoes 0.463%
1x  Medium Shadow Armor 0.463%
1x  Medium Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Unfreezing Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Neutral Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Spell Flow Shadow Armor 0.463%
1x  Greed Shadow Armor 0.463%
1x  Greed Shadow Shoes 0.463%
1x  Greed Shadow Shield 0.463%
1x  Greed Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Greed Shadow Earring 0.463%
1x  Greed Shadow Pendant 0.463%
1x  Executioner Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Exorcist Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Magic Executioner Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Magic Exorcist Shadow Weapon 0.463%
1x  Hard Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Ancient Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Critical Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Kingbird Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Critical Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Healing Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Resist Spell Power Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Hard Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Wise Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Brutal Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Gargantua Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Homer's Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Dragoon Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Satanic Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Frame Guard Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Requiem Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Cadi Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Chemical Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Clamorous Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Insecticide Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Fisher Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Seraphim Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Beholder Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Divine Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Dragoon Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Large Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Small Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Large Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Small Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Stability Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Plasterus Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Plasterus Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Insomnia Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Insomnia Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Peerless Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Peerless Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Adurate Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Adurate Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Unfreezing Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Unfreezing Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Vitality Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Vitality Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Neutral Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Neutral Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Uncurse Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Uncurse Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Caster Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Caster Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Spell Flow Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Spell Flow Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Heal Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Heal Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Heal Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Heal Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Heal Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Heal Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Hiding Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Hiding Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Hiding Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Hiding Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Hiding Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Hiding Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Cloaking Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Teleport Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Teleport Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Teleport Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Teleport Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Teleport Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Teleport Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Steal Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Steal Shadow Shoes 0.694%
1x  Steal Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Steal Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Steal Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Steal Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Solid Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Solid Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Immortal Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Immortal Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Hunting Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Insect Net Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Fishing Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Corrupted Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Vibration Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Holy Water Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Scissor Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Penetration Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Penetration Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Tempest Shadow Earring 0.694%
1x  Tempest Shadow Pendant 0.694%
1x  Magic Hunting Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Insect Net Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Fishing Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Corrupted Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Vibration Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Holy Water Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Magic Scissor Shadow Weapon 0.694%
1x  Basis Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Hallowed Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Saharic Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Underneath Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Flame Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Windy Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Envenom Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Damned Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Geist Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Divine Shadow Armor 0.694%
1x  Basis Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Hallowed Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Saharic Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Underneath Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Flame Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Windy Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Envenom Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Damned Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Geist Shadow Shield 0.694%
1x  Divine Shadow Shield 0.694%


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.