API Docs

This is the documentation of the api of divine-pride.net!

Note: The data will be returned in json format.

Another Note: Before you can use the APIs you need to request an API key. Please register an account in forum and request a key in your profile.

You may specify the language of the data returned by setting the Accept-Language header (e.g. Accept-Language: ko-KR).

  • Database API

    • GET Achievement /api/database/Achievement/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the achievement requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The achievement id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "id": 200001,
          "title": "두번째 오오라 획득!",
          "summary": "Base Lv150 달성!",
          "details": "베이스 150레벨을 달성한다.",
          "score": 60,
          "text": "베이스 레벨 150",
          "count": 0,
          "shortcut": -1,
          "itemId": 5364,
          "titleId": 1001,
          "buffId": 10,
          "ui_type": 0,
          "group": "ACTION",
          "major": 1,
          "minor": 0
    • GET Buff /api/database/Buff/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the buff requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The buff id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "id": 915,
          "description": "^9bca9b염속성 내성^000000\n^ffb062%s^000000",
          "image": "Resist_Elemental_Telekinesis.TGA",
          "resetDead": false,
          "resetDispel": false,
          "save": false,
          "debuff": false
    • GET Experience /api/database/Experience?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request is a list of experience for different types.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "base_normal": {
              "1": 350,
              "2": 550,
              "3": 900,
              "4": 1500,
              "5": 2200,
              "6": 3200,
              "7": 3800,
              "8": 4200,
              "9": 4550,
              "10": 5000,
              "11": 5500,
              "12": 6000,
              "13": 6100,
              "14": 6350,            
          "base_rebirth": {
    • GET Item /api/database/Item/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the item requested by the :id.

      You may set a request parameter called 'server' to select a specific server. Use one of the valid values

      aRO, bRO, fRO, idRO, iRO, jRO, kROM, kROZ, kROZS, GGH, ruRO, thROG, twRO, cRO, iROC
      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The item id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "classNum": 103,
          "sets": [],
          "soldBy": [],
          "id": 5017,
          "name": "Bone Helm",
          "description": "An incredibly heavy,\r\nyet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of\r\nbone. Increases damage\r\nreceived from Shadow\r\nproperty attacks by 15%.\r\nClass : ^777777Headgear^000000\r\nDefense : ^77777715^000000\r\nLocation : ^777777Upper^000000\r\nWeight : ^77777780^000000\r\nRequired Level : ^77777770^000000\r\nJobs : ^777777Swordman and\r\nMerchant Classes^000000",
          "slots": 0,
          "setname": null,
          "itemTypeId": 771,
          "itemSubTypeId": 874,
          "itemSummonInfoContainedIn": [
                  "Type": 0,
                  "sourceId": 617,
                  "sourceName": "Old Purple Box",
                  "targetId": 5017,
                  "targetName": "Bone Helm",
                  "count": 1,
                  "totalOfSource": 0,
                  "summonType": null,
                  "chance": 1
          "itemSummonInfoContains": [],
          "attack": null,
          "defense": 15,
          "weight": 80,
          "requiredLevel": null,
          "limitLevel": null,
          "itemLevel": null,
          "job": 272546,
          "compositionPos": null,
          "attribute": null,
          "location": "Upper"
    • GET Map /api/database/Map/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the map requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id string

      The map id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "mapname": "prt_fild08",
          "name": "Prontera Field",
          "mp3": "bgm\\\\12.mp3",
          "spawn": [ TODO ],
          "npcs": [
                  "id": 10938,
                  "name": "Bard#brising",
                  "job": 51,
                  "x": 175,
                  "y": 374,
                  "type": "npc"
                  "id": 131,
                  "name": "Popopo#wop2008",
                  "job": 844,
                  "x": 1,
                  "y": 2,
                  "type": "npc"
                  "id": 1325,
                  "name": "Portal",
                  "job": 0,
                  "x": 170,
                  "y": 378,
                  "type": "warp"
                  "id": 1409,
                  "name": "Portal",
                  "job": 0,
                  "x": 16,
                  "y": 239,
                  "type": "warp"
                  "id": 1411,
                  "name": "Portal",
                  "job": 0,
                  "x": 16,
                  "y": 187,
                  "type": "warp"
                  "id": 1412,
                  "name": "Portal",
                  "job": 0,
                  "x": 233,
                  "y": 16,
                  "type": "warp"
                  "id": 1414,
                  "name": "Portal",
                  "job": 0,
                  "x": 55,
                  "y": 21,
                  "type": "warp"
                  "id": 2343,
                  "name": "Portal",
                  "job": 0,
                  "x": 371,
                  "y": 212,
                  "type": "warp"
                  "id": 13205,
                  "name": "Trace of Jellopy#33",
                  "job": 844,
                  "x": 299,
                  "y": 332,
                  "type": "npc"
                  "id": 95,
                  "name": "Warrior Recruiter#wop",
                  "job": 909,
                  "x": 159,
                  "y": 371,
                  "type": "npc"
    • GET Monster /api/database/Monster/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the monster requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The monster id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "id": 1002,
          "name": "Poring",
          "stats": {
              "attackRange": 1,
              "level": 1,
              "health": 60,
              "str": 6,
              "_int": 0,
              "vit": 1,
              "dex": 6,
              "agi": 1,
              "luk": 5,
              "attack": {
                  "minimum": 8,
                  "maximum": 9
              "defense": 2,
              "baseExperience": 18,
              "jobExperience": 10,
              "aggroRange": 10,
              "escapeRange": 12,
              "movementSpeed": 3.3333333333333335,
              "attackSpeed": 1.4880952380952381,
              "attackedSpeed": 480,
              "element": 21,
              "scale": 1,
              "race": 3,
              "magicDefense": 5,
              "hit": 202,
              "flee": 207,
              "ai": "MONSTER_TYPE_02",
              "mvp": 0,
              "_class": 0
          "slaves": [],
          "sounds": [
          "questObjective": [
          "drops": [
                  "itemId": 909,
                  "chance": 7000,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 1202,
                  "chance": 100,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 938,
                  "chance": 400,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 512,
                  "chance": 1000,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 713,
                  "chance": 1500,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 601,
                  "chance": 500,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 619,
                  "chance": 20,
                  "stealProtected": false
                  "itemId": 4001,
                  "chance": 1,
                  "stealProtected": true
          "mvpdrops": [],
          "spawn": [
                  "mapname": "prt_fild01",
                  "amount": 30,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "prt_fild06",
                  "amount": 30,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "prt_fild08",
                  "amount": 140,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "gef_fild00",
                  "amount": 30,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "gef_fild07",
                  "amount": 20,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "pay_fild01",
                  "amount": 30,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "pay_fild03",
                  "amount": 25,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "pay_fild04",
                  "amount": 15,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "xmas_dun01",
                  "amount": 10,
                  "respawnTime": 5000
                  "mapname": "prt_maze01",
                  "amount": 5,
                  "respawnTime": 120000
          "skill": [
                  "skillId": 197,
                  "status": "MOVEITEM_ST",
                  "level": 1,
                  "chance": 200,
                  "casttime": 0,
                  "delay": 5000,
                  "interruptable": true,
                  "condition": null,
                  "conditionValue": null
                  "skillId": 184,
                  "status": "BERSERK_ST",
                  "level": 1,
                  "chance": 200,
                  "casttime": 0,
                  "delay": 5000,
                  "interruptable": true,
                  "condition": null,
                  "conditionValue": null
    • GET NpcIdentity /api/database/NpcIdentity?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request is a list of monster id and monster name.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The monster id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          SCORPION: 1001,
          PORING: 1002,
          THIEF_BUG_AGG: 1003,
          HORNET: 1004,
          FARMILIAR: 1005,
          THIEF_BUG_LARVA: 1006,
    • GET Quest /api/database/Quest/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the quest requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The quest id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "id": 1000,
          "title": "Transcendent",
          "image": "QUE_NOIMAGE",
          "quickinfo": "",
          "info": "Find the Hall of Honor in Valkyrie. There, you will become a new hero of Valkyrie.",
          "time": 0,
          "hunt": null,
          "qitem_mob": null,
          "qitem_name": null,
          "qitem_percent": 0,
          "qitem_job": 0
    • GET Skill /api/database/Skill/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the skill requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The skill id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "globalization": [
                  "name": "Fire Ball",
                  "description": "Fire Ball\nMAX Lv : 10\n^777777Requirement : Fire Bolt 4^000000\nSkill Form: ^777777Offensive^bb0000(Fire)^000000\nTarget: ^777777Enemy^000000\nDescription: ^777777Attack enemy and around at the same time. Enemies near the targeted enemy gets 3/4 of damage of what targeted enemy gets. After skill Lv. 6, casting and delay time will be reduced.^000000",
                  "server": 2,
                  "language": 0
          "id": 17
    • GET Title /api/database/Title/:id?apiKey=:apiKey

      The data in this request has data for the title requested by the :id.

      Parameter Value Type Description
      :id int

      The title id being requested.

      :apiKey string

      Your Api key.

      Example ResponseSelect content

          "id": 1001,
          "title": "달인",
          "achievement": {
              "id": 200001,
              "title": "두번째 오오라 획득!",
              "summary": null,
              "details": null,
              "score": 0,
              "text": null,
              "count": null,
              "shortcut": null,
              "itemId": null,
              "titleId": null,
              "buffId": null,
              "ui_type": 0,
              "group": null,
              "major": 1,
              "minor": null
  • Ghostring Card 1 obtained.